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FREE Webinar: Unemployment in Uncertain Times
Do you have questions about how unemployment will impact your business during this state of emergency?
Our virtual office is open!
We're here to share, listen and help however we can.
As we persevere through truly unprecedented times navigating the Covid-19 pandemic, the health and safety of our workforce is a foremost priority. Grappling with the reality of business needs has left many employers forced to make hard decisions. Those weighing temporary layoffs and furloughs are struggling to find the best option in trying times. Many have questions on how to properly execute and communicate their reductions to their employees. Some are wary of the impact of unemployment filings and how it will effect their organizations.
UTCA invites you to their “Office Hours” webinar to discuss:
Properly messaging and executing your workforce reductions
How to communicate the UI process and expectations to your employees
What to expect as emergency legislation looms on a state and federal level
Potential scenarios as the Covid-19 crisis continues to unfold
An update of current state of the UI system will be followed with a question and answer period in an interactive chat session. Registrants are encouraged to pose any questions they may have relative to their workforce and impacted states of operation. You can forward your questions in advance to Tim Phelan at tphelan@utcainc.com .
Be well, stay safe, we look forward to hearing from you all soon!
Since 1990, Unemployment Tax Control Associates (UTCA) has assisted clients to reduce the costs and complexities of managing their unemployment compensation programs, utilizing a unique pre-emptive approach to dramatically reducing unemployment costs.
Date and Time
Friday Mar 27, 2020
1:30 PM - 2:00 PM EDT
1:30 pm - 2:00 pm
Online Webinar
Please make sure to have a computer, internet connection with audio, or a telephone to dial in.
Free webinar for all businesses to help them get up and running during this difficult time.
Contact Information
Lili Zannotti
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