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Nichols College


Colleges & Universities

About Us

Our Vision and Mission
The mission of Nichols College is to educate and enlighten students to capitalize on their ambitions and to become impactful, forward looking global leaders.

To Support It’s Mission, Nichols College:
Offers an experiential business curriculum with a strong liberal arts foundation that is enhanced by the scholarship of practice and pedagogy.
Integrates research and scholarship into the student experience programs and activities that cultivate and enhance professional skills and readiness.

Develops the communication and critical thinking abilities, the ethical and cultural perspectives, and the necessary teamwork skills that are required of leaders in a global economy.


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Rep/Contact Info

Lindsey Bartlett
Director of Couseling
Steven Belleville
  • Phone: (508) 213-2289
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View Personal Bio
Kerry Cole
Director of Graduate Student Recruitment and Business Development
Cari Cyr
Mr. Len Harmon
Associate Professor of Marketing, Director of Nichols Consulting Group
Katherine Langlois
Exec. Asst. to the President and Board of Trustees
Mandy Laporte
Career Specialist, Employer Relations and Coaching
Bill Pieczynski