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Worcester Red Sox


Sports - Entertainment

About Us

Triple A Affiliate of the Boston Red Sox

Rep/Contact Info

Matt Harper
Dalton Bodreau
Jim Cain
Monica Canova
Sabriya Chaudhry
Brooke Cooper
Julie Hershkowitz
Director, Client Services & Hospitality
  • Phone: (508) 500-1000
Mike Lyons
Ryan Meagher
Rick Medeiros
Chief Ambassador (Head all Fan Services)
Kim Miner
Steven Oliveria
Cory Pavao
Accounting Clerk
Ben Proctor
Bernadette Provost
Jordan Sealey-Ashford
Coordinator, Marketing
Charles Steinberg
Nicole Valentine
WooSox Foundation
Jack Verducci
Bill Wanless
Emerson White
Gov Relations