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Employment Law with Joe Bartulis, Esq. FREE Webinar
Attorney Joseph T. Bartulis, Jr., Chair of the Labor & Employment group at Fletcher Tilton, will speak about the
many legal issues facing employers in 2020 and beyond.
Topics will include:
• Employee Leave Issues/Entitlements Under the FFCRA, FMLA, and the ADA.
• Employee Handbook Revisions as a result of the Pandemic
• Workplace safety issues, OSHA compliance, and Worker’s Compensation issues in the face of a Pandemic
• Wage and Hour Legal issues and Employer Obligations (Layoffs, WARN Act obligations, Furloughs, COBRA and more)
• Analysis and Explanation of the Recent federal and state court decisions impacting employers
Register at FletcherTilton.com.
Questions, call 508.459.8095

Date and Time
Wednesday Oct 7, 2020
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM EDT
Wednesday, October 7, 2020 from 9:00 - 10:30 am
Online webinar.
Register at https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/8148033580977159440
OR FletcherTilton.com under Seminars
Contact Information
Questions? Call celia at (508) 459-8095
Send Email