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Seminar Series: Communicating and Facilitating Change in the Workplace Presented by MindsetGo!
Communicating and Facilitating Change in the Workplace Webinar
Change is part of our everyday lives, especially in the workplace. Updated rules and regulations , new technology, different processes and procedures, changes in organizational leadership — it seems never-ending. Implementing change across organizations is one of the biggest challenges leaders face today. Learn how to tap into the way people think, behave, work, and feel to understand how to motivate and inspire people to become less resistant and see change as an opportunity.
Program Background
At MindsetGo, we address more than just behavior. We address attitude and mindset as well. Being a confident communicator is not just the way you act, talk, and look. It’s a habitual way of thinking and reacting to various life situations. This half-day program develops engaging and influential leaders and provides them with the communication tools they need to develop a communication style and approach that increases their credibility through words and actions. Through practical exercises we will problem-solve through the challenging situations and interactions that often trip us up. We develop your ability to make small changes to your words, tone, listening skills and non-verbal communication to improve how you interact through all levels of the organization. In addition, you will enhance your ability to stay focused while reducing distractions, and how to impactfully and successfully cascade messages of change.
Brief Bio:
In 2015, our speaker today, Mark Altman, started MindsetGo to help people become more confident and effective communicators. Mark has over two decades of experience speaking and training on interpersonal disciplines including organizational development, leadership, sales enablement, communication, emotional intelligence, and generational engagement. His podcast ICommunicate focuses on conversation and motivation challenges in leadership, teams, and parenting.
Mark Altman, Founder and Trainor
Date and Time
Wednesday Mar 9, 2022
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM EST
Free for Chamber members
$10 for Non Members
Contact Information
Stefanie Silva
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