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The Breakfast Club - March 4, 2021 Recording Available
Please join us for this event which features a speaking program, salutes to area businesses and a networking breakfast. More than 100 area professionals attend.
Speaker: Larry Lucchino, Chairman of the Worcester Red Sox
Chief Greeter: Hank Stoltz, Host WCRN 830 AM
SPONSOR: Fidelity Bank
SUPPORTIVE: Arthur J. Gallagher & Company
FRIEND: College of the Holy Cross
- 100th Anniversary - Sheppard Envelope MFG Co.
- Nia Rennix, NEW Executive Director - American Red Cross of Central and Western MA
- Barbara Mahoney, NEW CEO - Leominster Credit Union

Date and Time
Thursday Mar 4, 2021
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM EST
9:00am - 10:00am
The recording is below: https://zoom.us/rec/share/ZLcY0u5YrEjCts4Nhkv3_MfQo0O-LMyMErbqwjc_aZbUlLPymFg5SjbAF7HdEzIX.WOOZajg4kNRCGkS4 Passcode: $RAJJo66
$15 - Members
$25 - Non Members
Cancellation Policy: NO REFUNDS or CREDITS if cancelled 7 Days Prior to Event Date
Contact Information
Stefanie Silva
Send Email