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Workforce Training Providers

List of organizations that provide career training services in Worcester
Kyle Brenner
Bay Path Regional Vocational Technical High School, Superintendent-Director
John Lafleche
Bay Path Regional Vocational Technical High School (CMS), Superintendent
Mary Brytowski
Boys & Girls Club of Worcester, Director of Human Resources
Fred Taylor
Carpenters Union Local 336, Business Representative
Kendall Molina
Department of Transitional Assistance
David Tirendi
Grafton Job Corps
Kelly Eggleston
Grafton Job Corps
Colleen Lanza
Grafton Job Corps, Center Director
Amber Polisher
Grafton Job Corps
Marty Yenawine
Grafton Job Corps, Work Based Learning Coordinator
Jon Weaver
Massachusetts Biomedical Initiatives , President
Arianna Drummy
MassHire Central Region Workforce Board & Career Centers, Worcester Jobs Fund Director
Janice Ryan Weekes
MassHire Central Region Workforce Board & Career Centers, Director
Jeffrey Turgeon
MassHire Central Region Workforce Board & Career Centers, Executive Director
Anh Dao
MassHire Central Region Workforce Board & Career Centers, WJF assist.
Kathie Mahoney
MassMEP, President & CEO
Matthew Berard
MassMEP, Assoc Director, Workforce Development
Kathy Rentsch
Quinsigamond Community College (Wor), Assistant Vice President for Workforce Readiness and Innovation
Mari Cooney
Quinsigamond Community College (Wor), apprenticeships
Kwesi Foster
Quinsigamond Community College (Wor), Center for Workforce Development & Continuing Educ
Kathie Manning
Quinsigamond Community College (Wor), Dean of Center for Workforce Development and Continuing Education
John McCarthy
Quinsigamond Community College (Wor), Corporate Development Specialist
Kate O'Connor
Quinsigamond Community College (Wor), Program Manager
Gabe Santner
Quinsigamond Community College (Wor), Director of Mentoring for Perkins Programs
Become a Mentor at Quinsigamond Community College.  Make a difference. Change a life. When you become a mentor you can help guide Quinsigamond Com...
Shunda Ware
Quinsigamond Community College (Wor), Dean of Business, Engineering & Tech
Adam Drozd
RCAP Solutions, Inc., Marketing Manager
Maegen McCaffrey
RCAP Solutions, Inc., Vice President of Communications
Kwame Ofori
RCAP Solutions, Inc., Leadership Worcester '22
Brian Scales
RCAP Solutions, Inc., President & CEO
Madison Wellman
RCAP Solutions, Inc., Business Opportunity Specialist
Grace Siliwoski
Regional Environmental Council, Inc., Director of Programs
Patrick Hanrahan
Scouting America, Director of Development
Kate Pesa
Seven Hills Foundation & Affiliates
Todd Snopkowski
Maria Cotto
The Community Builders, Inc. - Plumley Village
Jenna Wills
Worcester Community Action Council, Inc.
Marybeth Campbell
Worcester Community Action Council, Inc., Executive Director
Kerry Brennan
Worcester Community Action Council, Inc., Chief Operating Officer COO)
Roberto Diaz
Worcester Community Action Council, Inc., Director - Job and Education Center
Ellen Ganley
Worcester Community Action Council, Inc., Director of Policy, Public Affairs & Advancement, Worcester Community Action Council
Terra Oliveira
Worcester Community Action Council, Inc., Director of Financial Empowerment
Lila Pope
Worcester Community Action Council, Inc., Jobs and Education Center
Ruth Seward
Worcester Public School - Night Life, Night Life Coordinator
Jennifer Brunelle
Worcester Public School - Night Life, Adult Learning Center director
Kelsey Lamoureux
Worcester Public School - Night Life, Career & Partnership Specialist
Emily Lehman Miller
Worcester Public School - Night Life, Director of Innovation Pathways
Karen Gemboski
YOU, Inc.
Rick Brooks
Technical Education Products, Training Solutions Provider