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Rasky Partners
GovernmentBusiness ConsultantsCommunicationsConsultantsEvent ManagementInternet / Website ServicesLobbyistMedia Consulting and ProductionProfessionals - OtherPublic RelationsTrade Associations
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About Us
Rasky Partners is a nationally recognized communications and public affairs firm named by Forbes as one of America’s top public relations firms.
With more than three decades of experience, we provide exceptional client service to organizations that operate at the intersection of the media, politics, and business. Our Boston and Washington, D.C. offices provide a comprehensive range of services including strategic communications, public relations, corporate communications, government relations, public affairs, advocacy, grassroots organizing, crisis and reputation management, litigation communications, digital strategies, media and presentation training, federal, state and municipal lobbying, ballot initiative management, and public sector business development.

Rep/Contact Info
George Cronin